Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fingerless Gloves (and a Matching Hat)

Ever since a hole developed in my favorite pair of "glittens" or hooded gloves if you prefer (fingerless gloves with a flap to pull over the fingers)...I vowed to knit my own pair of fingerless gloves. That was freshmen year of college, 6 years ago. I had the pattern in a book that bought when I started making hats, which also happened to occur during my freshmen year. It took me this long to finally attempt gloves for a few reason. One, the patterned intimidated me. Two, life happens and other things got in the way. Quite frankly my knitting took a backseat for a few years, except for making baby blankets for my nephews.

After my knitting hiatus I decided it was now or never for the fingerless gloves. I discovered that the pattern is in fact quite simple and very easy to follow. I got the pattern for the fingerless gloves from Cabled Accessories by Patricia Kim. The yarn I used was Naturally Caron - Country, color: peacock. I used the same yarn for the hat, but the pattern I used I found in the November 2010 issue of Creative Knitting. I used the pattern on page 38, "Go Green Gaiter & Hat"...I knitted in rounds, but you can knit in rows too. Also I didn't use multiple colors like the pattern calls for, maybe next time.

I'm excited for the colder weather to arrive so I can sport these new items. I bought two skeins. I made three fingerless gloves from one skein, with some leftover. (Yes three, I made a slight error when piecing together in between fingers). I'm sure I have enough left over from the second skein to make another hat or maybe another pair of fingerless gloves. Where I enjoy these types of gloves I don't think I'll be making a pair for my sister for Christmas...she tried one on and started singing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"...maybe it's our age difference. Here's a picture of the final products:

Can't wait to wear these with my coat and scarf this winter!
Using the "Go Green Hat" pattern I made two other hats using scrap yarn from past projects I had lying around. They turned out very well, but I don't know what I'm going to do with them yet. Perhaps I'll give them to people I know or donate them...either way I'm giving them away. Now to find a new projects...perhaps socks.

*Update on 12/4/11*
As excited as I was about these gloves and a matching hat. After a month of seeing them sit in my closest I discovered I'm not so excited about the color. So I made a new scarf and hat from the same book the fingerless gloves came from. Currently I am in the process of making mittens that match the scarf and hat. When I'm done with those I'll post about all three projects.

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